We have researched the conveyancing marketplace to identify the best services available across England and Wales.
The property market may have changed somewhat since you last bought or sold a home. Reports of transactions taking too long and nearly a third falling through and failing to complete are troubling facts.
We are here to ensure that you are as well prepared for the move as possible to reduce much of the stress of moving. Finding the right legal relationship makes all the difference in achieving a fast and hassle free move.
By getting you in the hands of progressive, market leading conveyancers, we can get you contract ready with a view to halving your transaction timescale. Our conveyancing partners also ensure that you are kept well informed throughout.
Instruct a Conveyancer is delivered by Property Searches Direct, one of the most trusted brands in the property sector handling home movers. Helping its clients to find the best conveyancing solution is a natural step for the group to further improve the property transaction market.